BlueBay Investment Grade Corporate Credit

Global investment grade corporate bonds offer a number of benefits to a fixed income portfolio. Corporate bonds generally offer higher yields than government bonds and using a global investment universe adds significant diversification benefits versus a portfolio of domestic bonds.

In a low yield environment, we see opportunity in active management, rather than passive. The strategy employs both top-down and bottom-up analysis and aims to generate excess returns via sector and issuer selection based on high-quality proprietary research.

Strategy Overview

  • Invests predominantly in fixed income securities issued by investment grade-rated companies globally.
  • Interest rate risk (duration) controlled in a narrow band.
  • Typical exposure consists of 80-250 issuers with little to no active currency risk.

Our Approach

Investment Strategy

  • Research seeks to integrate macro, regulatory, and political research with more traditional balance sheet analysis.
  • Majority of any excess return expected to come from bottom-up decisions (sector, issuer and issue selection).
  • Strong emphasis on capital preservation underscores a focus on total as well as relative returns.
  • Disciplined risk management at every stage of investment process.

Additional information

October 2012
Primary benchmark
Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Corporate Bond Index (CAD Hedged)

Investment team

BlueBay Fixed Income team

Fixed income specialist providing progressive investment solutions

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