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BlueBay is the specialized fixed income team within RBC Global Asset Management. We manage more than $108 billion1 across a full spectrum of active fixed income strategies - all of which are designed to generate alpha with capital preservation mindset.

Who is BlueBay Fixed Income

BlueBay’s fixed income platform embodies the best of traditional and alternative asset management.

Differentiated Outcome

Value proposition

Our investment specialists analyze an exceptionally broad range of risk factors before making any investment on behalf of our clients. This rigor allows us to build high-conviction portfolios with greater alpha-generation potential while avoiding the steep drawdowns that can derail long-term performance.


Sub-asset class specialisms across relative return, total return and alternative investment strategies

Global Leveraged Finance

Our global leveraged finance specialists are comprised of a large and experienced group of research-oriented investment professionals with experience analyzing credit and investing across multiple credit cycles. This multi-cycle experience is a prerequisite to investing effectively in both rising and falling markets.

Global Investment Grade

The strength of the Global Investment Grade specialists stems from the quality and size of our team – we have a large, well-resourced group of professionals with deep experience and knowledge of developed market economies both on the macro and credit side.

Securitized Credit

We embody an active approach that leverages our expertise in the structural complexities of asset-backed securities. We invest across a range of collateral types, including residential/commercial mortgages, credit cards, and leveraged loans.

Multi-Asset Credit

Multi-asset credit provides the flexibility to be able to capture returns in attractive conditions, while seeking to provide downside protection when markets turn. We believe this investment management strategy represents an attractive asset allocation risk/return profile.

Our expertise across the fixed income spectrum and diverse investment styles mean that we can harness ideas across investment grade, global high yield, structured credit, loans, contingent convertibles (CoCos), convertible bonds and emerging markets.

The overall strategies are managed by BlueBay’s Multi-Asset Decision Group, which comprises a team of senior investment professionals.

Emerging Market Debt

Our strength stems from the quality and size of our team. We have a large, well-resourced team with deep experience and knowledge of emerging market countries from cultural, linguistic and political perspectives. The entire desk is based in London, facilitating fluid communication among the team members.

U.S. Fixed Income

BlueBay’s U.S. Fixed Income capabilities are supported by a group of U.S.-based investment professionals, led by Andrzej Skiba, Head of BlueBay U.S. Fixed Income at RBC GAM. This group includes specialists in the Investment Grade, Leveraged Finance and Structured Credit. As part of an integrated global fixed income team, our U.S. Fixed Income presence enables us to access the breadth of investment opportunities available in US fixed income markets to deliver domestic as well as global portfolio solutions to clients.

Global Convertible Fixed Income

One of the most distinguishing factors of the Global Convertible specialists is the depth and expertise of our members.

Our portfolio managers have a combined 40 years'2 investment experience and our dedicated team of analysts brings a combination of equity, convertible bond and distressed expertise.

A six-stage investment process incorporates our macroeconomic outlook, fundamental company analysis and relative value skills to construct a balanced and diverse portfolio.

1As of 9/30/23
2As of 12/31/22

Our strategies